
Packaging & Branding

To any eco-conscious cook with a small and unorganized kitchen space, Pinch is the spice storage solution that makes spice organization and visibility easy and convenient, while cutting back on single plastic waste.

*College project

Did you know that when a recipe calls for "a pinch" of an ingredient, it means one-sixteenth of a teaspoon? The Pinch logo consists of 16 circles that represent the sixteen most commonly used spices in a cook's kitchen carried by the brand. The goal of the packaging is to offer a unique and complete system of spices for the average cook. 16 spices, all compactly organized and conveniently displayed. The overlapping typography nods to the spatial awareness the packaging was designed with.


The packaging stacks so that users are able to organize and see their spices and seasonings while maximizing space. The lid of each container also serves as a measuring spoon when removed and turned upside down.

Created in Cinema4D

Process and exploration


Currency Redesign